This is what I imagine to be the schedule for the men operating the heavy machinery that are digging out the canal.
Italians seem to not be in a hurry. Ever. Except while driving. Then, I imagine, after racing at unregulated and unlimited speeds on their narrow roads where passing between the ongoing car and the existing car is not a daring move, they get to where they are going only to slowly go about their day with no apparent deadline for anything. Afternoon siestas however, may be the only schedule that they honor with dedication.
A daily trip from our dockage to the beach via rowing the dinghy or bike allows the progress to be tracked. Our first clue can be determined from the boat: “Do you hear machinery today?”
The sand and soot in the canal is a winter occurrence, and the digg
But first, the canal must be opened.
Photo: a view looking towards the gulf with the sand and mud that blocks the way.
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