There is a special connection women have with women. The TV series Sex In the City showed one example of a pod of girl friends, their interaction and the importance each played on the others’ lives.

Being at sea now for 3 months with just male crew mates, this is one strong emotion that is unearthing itself; I MISS MY GIRLFRIENDS.
We all have an inner circle of female confidants and advisors that are from different stages of our past. I feel so blessed with the ones that are in my life, past and present. Time only adds depth to any relationship and although they expressed missing ME being absent from THEIR lives when I left, I never really considered how hard it would be on me. How could I, I was leaving for this grand adventure!
But just like moving from Kansas to Florida and thinking I would spend every lunch and all free time at The Beach, the reality of life kicks in and a routine emerges. This has started to happen on the boat now, leaving raw thoughts and emotions. And…I MISS MY GIRLFRIENDS.
They know. They each know who they are. And it was a wonderful thing when my sister stopped being just my sister and became my friend in our 20’s.

Each adds a different perspective. There is my streetwise friend who knew more about life at 14 than I did at 40 I think! She has a knack for sizing up someone or a situation and as much as I may disagree, she most often turns out to be right. There is one who’s spirit of “nothing is impossible” has been the wind under my wings since college. The girls who are not afraid to be as silly as me whether its posing in high boots or learning a Britney Spears dance, yet they can add a depth of opinion and thought to season me when I need them most. The list goes on and on from Salsa and Chips, “you are loved and appreciated”, to my Sports Friend that finds a way to fit 3 athletic activities into one day and usually comes home bruised or bloody only laughing about the fun of it all. The depth of my high school girl friends and our circle is something that feels like my rock at times.
The captain’s wife and Mom to the kids is arriving in 4 days to join us for 5 weeks! As friends for over 20 years, I am anticipating her arrival with the fear that I will be competing for time with her over her first priority: the kids (who have not seen her for almost 6 months and are heart-sick missing her by now).

No, women can not replace the wonders of men and sure, I have some great guy-friends who are among my closest of friends. Of course I miss them but the “filling of my soul” is reserved for the women of my life.

I wouldn't have thought I'd miss you as much as I do, given that we live in different cities. But there are so many times I'd love to give you a call, find out what's going on in your life, talk about whatever little things are happening in mine. You are very much missed. Nice post.
Puss in Boots
Would have loved to have met you in greece to have a real "Girls" night out.
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