Antiparos, Greece---We are at an anchorage between an island call
Antiparos and a tiny island called
Dispotico. There is no town, only 2 tavernas. One taverna was nice enough to sell us some bread, cucumbers and feta cheese since we have been away from a village for so long. But it is picture perfect beautiful here.We heard that there was a newly found archaeological site on the island
Dispotico. So we took a hike and found the site. Work has just begun and although some of the area had a fence, they ask you only to not step on the walls of the site. It was like seeing the beginning of a discovery long before the tourist come. Overlooking the blue water, we had heard it was a temple to Apollo. I was mesmerized. Long after my boat mates left, I just stood and stared and imagined life a thousand years ago. Then simply walking around the OUTSIDE of the fence, I looked down to see broken pottery among the rocks just like we've been viewing in the museums. How badly I wanted to take it with me! But I just couldn't. It belonged there. I gathered up what I could see and hoped that one of the workers would find them and put them with the other finds.

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