Decisions were made: Stop the bleeding from my job and my real estate investments. Find plan B. Plan the work, work the plan:
Meet with Vet about animal car and plan. Get extra blood work for Turbo, get flea meds for future, meet with management company about renting home, get list

of required home fixes, find hardwood floor repair company, hire, replace 23 floor boards, find stain with 8 attempts, stain, varnish, find handyman for cement step, Jacuzzi step, and awning repair, hire, paint step, paint awning, stain Jacuzzi step, varnish, ad non-slip strips, paint studio door trim, hire electric company to review problems, fix, replace pond pump, finish that little bathroom project that I’ve been procrastinating, go to Kansas City to see Sister, go to California to see Father, file with loan modification company, get all paper work to them on 2 rentals, layoff an employee, have Holiday clothing and house accessories party with girl friends to down size, write up plan for company to convert my office, resign from job with area manager, then director, tell the remaining employee, tell friends, tell relatives, tell clients, campaign for employee to be hired with Company, suggest new sales rep options, get new batteries for protection device from Bucks guns, figure out a Blog name, set up Blog, post blog, get advice from friend on blogs, meet twice, get .com for blog, photograph house for management company to use for renting, write contacts from Naxos, Greece, meet with all doctors for check–ups and planning a year+ of meds, research health plan, make a zillion phone calls to figure out Blue Cross Worldwide, buy emergency evacuation policy, do budget, work on and file 2009 taxes, get a storage unit, store 14 large bins of friend who moved to Austin from under house, store 26 years of taxes from under house since CPA says corporations can be audited for all eternity, buy outdoor light bulbs, find place to store jet ski, find place to store Fiat, have vehicle detailed to photograph to sell, sell SUV, change Jacuzzi water, meet with pool service to go over Jacuzzi added to service, pay life insurance for 2 years, renew drivers license, cancel office insurance, cancel self employment policy, historic newspaper collection out of attic, make Fiat book for Marie, make house book for rental company, make house book for renters explaining all, give next door neighbors my information, sew swim cord to take, order new foul weather gear, order other accessories for trip, have management company hire services after I leave, throw birthday weekend during bike week with out of town guests, pick up all records from Vet on animals, call Mosquito device salesman to send back contraption, pack and ship, drop tank off at provider to avoid landfill, order new HP battery for computer, return, get correct one, meet with CPA about plan, ask if she’ll be POA, research Power of attorney and get attorney friend to get form, have 15 copies notarized, bring CPA to 2 banks for POA, meet with CPA again, and again, Cancel E-Pass, prep info about me for 4 people, mail package to sister, give package to friend and CPA, mail info about Dad to California, report out of country to 2 credit card companies, replace both credit cards with one’s expiring AFTER summer of 2011, fill all prescriptions for 15 months, move animals, move jet ski, replace FIAT muffler at Midas for free after 14 years! have FIAT oil changed, store Fiat and go over instructions with friend, convert all possible bills to online statements, do a change of address, write prescription letter for someone else to pick up drugs if needed, forward water and FPL to management company, take 1100 slides from the 50’s and 60’s of Congo to Beach Photo to digitize, prepare them with address to send end result, call SUV insurance company to cancel after sold, clean sheep skin rug, pick up remaining money at consignment shop, get eye contacts for 15 months, write everyone who mailed me a Christmas cards a note saying I will be gone, cancel cell phone, cancel Quick Book’s uploading fee, redo safety deposit box at bank, write lawn service list with extra duties, after loan modification company fails find a foreclosure councilor, meet with worried tenants, set them up with councilor to buy house, set up Skype with Boat and Mary Beth, set up Google map for tracking boat progress, get bank debit card, research transaction fees from abroad, get 100 Euros to travel with, find flight to Italy, have yard mulched, take 20 loads of things to storage unit, defrost bar fridge, trade with office fridge, write letter giving left personal property to assistant, pack, buy water proof bags and zip locks, order and get new personal information business cards (waterproof!), find someone to take scuba tank, get ride to airport, meet with management company again, prep all foreclosure things for councilor, pay bills, arrange banking, get needed dental work done: 2 doctors, 10 appointments in all, negotiate final settlement with company, tell friend he was right about Company, set up hanging bar system in storage unit for closet, get key to management company, label weird light switches around the house for renter, have a party with friends to clean out food and condiments from kitchen, pack china, get new Kio fish pond filters, cut to size, clean ovens, clean out office and store all office goods wanting to save, make final payments to employee, buy more Jacuzzi chemicals and supplies, have new fire pit cover made, get list of things that captain needs in Italy, repack with Jen and Kelly, repack with Sheri, exhale on day before I leave with Brad, go to Ocean Deck, wake up and hang with Sheri, leave house with full fare of closing door with friends, leave, realize I forgot cell phone, turn around, go back in house, pick up cell phone, go to Orlando Airport. Done.
Photo: after selling SUV, Fiat serves as only vehicle: last load to storage unit.
1 comment:
jeesh! remind me to never leave the country for a year and a half.
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