My bunk.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
The Agenda
Sibari, Italy---I was mistaken about our trip and when we will be crossing the Atlantic to the Caribbean! To my complete delight, we will be waiting out Hurricane season here, in the Mediterranean! This means our crossing will not happen until December.
The captain says we’ll most likely have several weeks in the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa and that the locations in between will be based on many factors.
Because the Caribbean feels vastly closer to home, this gives me more time to explore the Mediterranean. I working on my Greek now!
LOCATION of Sail Boat
S/Y Juno
GPS location Date/Time:10/15/2009 14:13:25 GMT
Click the link below to see where I am located.,16.50683&ll=39.73106,16.50683&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
GPS location Date/Time:10/15/2009 14:13:25 GMT
Click the link below to see where I am located.,16.50683&ll=39.73106,16.50683&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Planes, trains and automobiles.
28 hours after I stepped out of my home, I step aboard SS Juno, docked on the Italian coast, my new home for the next 15 months.
3/28---Orlando Airport: 3pm. The wonderful sun shiny day I left in Daytona has turned into a nightmare storm in Orlando. So intense that the gates are closed for over 1 hour. This backs up my flight so I will miss the connection in London which means I will
miss my bus in Naples.
3/28---Orlando Airport: 3pm. The wonderful sun shiny day I left in Daytona has turned into a nightmare storm in Orlando. So intense that the gates are closed for over 1 hour. This backs up my flight so I will miss the connection in London which means I will
My last communication emailing from the airport with the Captain, he informs me that there is a 4pm train direct to Sibari, the sailboat’s marina town. I write back that if my luggage makes it, I will attempt to get to the train station and take that but with no phone and no internet connection, I‘ll have to wing it.
Since British Airway’s Union is striking, I’m lucky that it does not affect my flights. But due to weather, our flight left 2 hours and 15 minutes late only to be sky-tossed for 2 hours of bad turbulence. So bad that, at one point a stewardess screamed into the microphone “Keep buckled, it’s dangerous!”
Able to take a later flight out of London, I relax and enjoy Gatwick’s awesome modern airport and a cappuccino. The flight to Naples was then uneventful. Customs took all of 10 minutes in
line and through the officials with barely a glance and a stamp to my passport.
Being forewarned by my Italian Villa owning friend Lorry, who gave me some Euro coins. I knew exactly what to do. My 2 bags of overweight luggage popped out on cue and with the Euro coin operated cart, I wheeled my luggage outside to catch a cab. Train-o. Station-o. I had somehow decided that if I added an “O” to the end of any word it was Italian. Somehow it worked and we sped off. Nestled next to the ancient Volcano Vesuvios that destroyed
Pompeii in 79 AD, my first impression of Naples is that it needed a good pressure washing.
My train left at 4:58 not 4pm, giving me a lot more time to figure things out. But by this point one thing is clear: I should have learned some Italian.
5 hours by train, I sprain my wrist against the train wall when it takes a sudden turn and I reach out to brace myself. Arriving in Sibani with no official notice to my friends, my plan was to regroup at the station and try to find a taxi or pay phone. In retrospect, neither would have been available. Instead the first face I saw was Shirish, the captain.
5 hours by train, I sprain my wrist against the train wall when it takes a sudden turn and I reach out to brace myself. Arriving in Sibani with no official notice to my friends, my plan was to regroup at the station and try to find a taxi or pay phone. In retrospect, neither would have been available. Instead the first face I saw was Shirish, the captain.
“Buona Sera” (good evening) he shouted and tugged at my luggage.
“We were worried so I decided to just come out in case you did make the train!” Shirish said and then introduced me to the Taxi Driver Francesco.
I’m here, I’m in Italy.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Check List: done.
Decisions were made: Stop the bleeding from my job and my real estate investments. Find plan B. Plan the work, work the plan:
Meet with Vet about animal car and plan. Get extra blood work for Turbo, get flea meds for future, meet with management company about renting home, get list
Photo: after selling SUV, Fiat serves as only vehicle: last load to storage unit.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Trust Me
Things need to fall into place now. I made a plan and now I must trust other people to fill in…but like the best layed plan…things just don’t seem to go my way.
BUSINESS: I’ve had my business for 26 years, but unlike a brick and mortar store, I am a independent contractor at the mercy of the company. Other’s advice about leaving up until now has been, “Edee, it’s a corporation, you need to…” (basically take a hard approach). I disagree and say, “No, it’s like family and I trust ‘them’ to take care of me.” I decide to tell them with plenty of time to react (3 months). Yet later on the very day I tell them that I am leaving, they lower my commission for the remaining months. Coincidence?
Then, since I get paid from only what is sold, I ask in writing for an end package of 3 months commission for helping with the transition and all the sales I’ve made for later in 2010. I’m told “Trust Me,” as I continue to sell into the future. On the very day I go over 124 accounts with the Boss-man, the new rep and my online partner, I’m later told that “they” approved only 15 days. Coincidence?
The skeptic x-big corporate retiree at “my” Starbucks laughs and shakes his head at me. My entrepreneur friend is given the right to tell me “I told you so.” And the people at the company that fought so hard in my respect have “learned a lesson.”
SELLING MY SUV: I need to sell my car. It’s a Toyota Highlander so I call a contact at Daytona Toyota and ask if they buy Toyota’s outright. Yes. I meet with the used car manager who has been there for a long time. I get an offer of $8500. This means I will not have to sell if privately which I have time for, but it would take more work. Delighted I make an appointment for 9 days later. Yet on the very day he quoted me, he left to take a job a Ford. Later, I’m shocked to find out he’s gone and I’m told they are not interested. With 3 days left, I have no time or choice. A wholesale friend saves the day and gets it taken care of quickly. I lose $1800 because someone quit their job on the same day they quoted. Coincidence?
AND MORE: Computer parts come in wrong, my councilor at Mid-Florida Housing Partnership does not return emails or calls, the renters interested in my house fall through, Mr. Incredible is in jail for 4 DUI’s (see post Attraction or Distraction), my 86 year old father is hospitalized and I’m told he will not make it out (he does but things are touch and go), and British Airways (my flight) goes on strike.
And this is how my last 12 days go.
Severely discouraged, I just want to believe that the “corporate” bull does not exist, that people see value, reward longevity and do what they say. That trusting people still exists and it’s worthy and real. Did I naively grow up in Kansas or am I just dumb?
Then my friend Sheri just happens to call.
“Is God trying to tell me to be skeptical of every single person and trust no one from now on?” I ask.
In her typical, unique opinion she answers, “No, I think God is trying to make it easy for you to leave and not look back!”
Perfect Coincidence. Perfect Answer.
BUSINESS: I’ve had my business for 26 years, but unlike a brick and mortar store, I am a independent contractor at the mercy of the company. Other’s advice about leaving up until now has been, “Edee, it’s a corporation, you need to…” (basically take a hard approach). I disagree and say, “No, it’s like family and I trust ‘them’ to take care of me.” I decide to tell them with plenty of time to react (3 months). Yet later on the very day I tell them that I am leaving, they lower my commission for the remaining months. Coincidence?
Then, since I get paid from only what is sold, I ask in writing for an end package of 3 months commission for helping with the transition and all the sales I’ve made for later in 2010. I’m told “Trust Me,” as I continue to sell into the future. On the very day I go over 124 accounts with the Boss-man, the new rep and my online partner, I’m later told that “they” approved only 15 days. Coincidence?
The skeptic x-big corporate retiree at “my” Starbucks laughs and shakes his head at me. My entrepreneur friend is given the right to tell me “I told you so.” And the people at the company that fought so hard in my respect have “learned a lesson.”
SELLING MY SUV: I need to sell my car. It’s a Toyota Highlander so I call a contact at Daytona Toyota and ask if they buy Toyota’s outright. Yes. I meet with the used car manager who has been there for a long time. I get an offer of $8500. This means I will not have to sell if privately which I have time for, but it would take more work. Delighted I make an appointment for 9 days later. Yet on the very day he quoted me, he left to take a job a Ford. Later, I’m shocked to find out he’s gone and I’m told they are not interested. With 3 days left, I have no time or choice. A wholesale friend saves the day and gets it taken care of quickly. I lose $1800 because someone quit their job on the same day they quoted. Coincidence?
AND MORE: Computer parts come in wrong, my councilor at Mid-Florida Housing Partnership does not return emails or calls, the renters interested in my house fall through, Mr. Incredible is in jail for 4 DUI’s (see post Attraction or Distraction), my 86 year old father is hospitalized and I’m told he will not make it out (he does but things are touch and go), and British Airways (my flight) goes on strike.
And this is how my last 12 days go.
Severely discouraged, I just want to believe that the “corporate” bull does not exist, that people see value, reward longevity and do what they say. That trusting people still exists and it’s worthy and real. Did I naively grow up in Kansas or am I just dumb?
Then my friend Sheri just happens to call.
“Is God trying to tell me to be skeptical of every single person and trust no one from now on?” I ask.
In her typical, unique opinion she answers, “No, I think God is trying to make it easy for you to leave and not look back!”
Perfect Coincidence. Perfect Answer.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Fear Not.
I used to wear a lot of "No Fear Gear" during my wave jumping stage as a stand-up jet skier. More recently, or at least for the last year, I have worn a little silver ring with "Fear Not" engraved in it. I guess the folks at No Fear, Inc. simply plagiarized from the Bible.
As I prepare to leave in 12 days, I review the list I made of my fears about the life I am about to embark on.
1. Getting sick or hurt overseas.
2. Roommates/no personal space.
3. Finances.
4. Danger abroad. Boat bruises. Weather. ...and yes, pirates.
5. No boyfriend for ugh, a year and a half.
6. My Dad in California or Sister in Kansas City needing me.
7. Turbo dog dieing.
8. Packing for a year.
9. Good byes.
10. The rental foreclosures.
11. Renting my home.
12. Getting it all done...closing a business, prepping a house, packing.
So there it is, for all the world to see...or at least the 17 people reading this!
How do I deal with fear? Acknowledge it. Rationalize why. Make a plan. But that does not mean it's gone. Fear kills creativity, ambition and progress. It lurks in the recesses of our minds until our bodies rebel by way of stress and anxiety.
I wouldn't call myself brave, I would call myself determined. But like anything, the more I practice confronting fears, the better I get at handling them. Turning it over to God is a mental state of acceptance and letting go, easier said than done.
As I prepare to leave in 12 days, I review the list I made of my fears about the life I am about to embark on.
1. Getting sick or hurt overseas.
2. Roommates/no personal space.
3. Finances.
4. Danger abroad. Boat bruises. Weather. ...and yes, pirates.
5. No boyfriend for ugh, a year and a half.
6. My Dad in California or Sister in Kansas City needing me.
7. Turbo dog dieing.
8. Packing for a year.
9. Good byes.
10. The rental foreclosures.
11. Renting my home.
12. Getting it all done...closing a business, prepping a house, packing.
So there it is, for all the world to see...or at least the 17 people reading this!
How do I deal with fear? Acknowledge it. Rationalize why. Make a plan. But that does not mean it's gone. Fear kills creativity, ambition and progress. It lurks in the recesses of our minds until our bodies rebel by way of stress and anxiety.
I wouldn't call myself brave, I would call myself determined. But like anything, the more I practice confronting fears, the better I get at handling them. Turning it over to God is a mental state of acceptance and letting go, easier said than done.
I am finding out that the idea of going was much easier than the actions it has taken to actually leave. At times, exhausted from a day at the company, it was easier to curl up on the sofa than to confront "the to do list"...why? Fear.
I'm not alone. Everyone has area's in life they are procrastinating due to fear. Or the "what if" worries they may or may not admit. I march along doing the best I can.
In the meantime, my little silver ring reminds me to try and Fear Not.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Bags of dog food for Turbo!
I was fearing the day that I had to say goodbye to my dog Turbo and kitty: Q-cat Convict. We had dec
ided that moving them to Tallehassee 2 weeks prior to my departure would give me a chance to adjust as well as give Mary Beth a chance to bond and ask questions while I was still in the U.S.
The time was set and although it was expected, when she actually called to say she was in town heading my way, I completely lost it.
When she arrived, Turbo and I walked out to her van to go over setting up a dog bed in back when the most amazing thing happened. Turbo walked up to the van and put his paw up on the
sliding door’s step.
“You want to get in?” I asked him.
He stayed it that position until I gave him a lift up and in. He promptly went to the back, crawled up on the back seat, and looked at us with his ears up and a big dog smile. Eventually he laid down and fell asleep as MB and I talked.
He gave me that gift. It felt like he was saying “I’m ready. You go on your adventure, I’m going on mine.”
Photo: Sheri says goodbye to Turbo-dog.
Thanks to Ruth and Sheri for sponsoring some bags of dogfood.
The time was set and although it was expected, when she actually called to say she was in town heading my way, I completely lost it.
When she arrived, Turbo and I walked out to her van to go over setting up a dog bed in back when the most amazing thing happened. Turbo walked up to the van and put his paw up on the
“You want to get in?” I asked him.
He stayed it that position until I gave him a lift up and in. He promptly went to the back, crawled up on the back seat, and looked at us with his ears up and a big dog smile. Eventually he laid down and fell asleep as MB and I talked.
He gave me that gift. It felt like he was saying “I’m ready. You go on your adventure, I’m going on mine.”
Photo: Sheri says goodbye to Turbo-dog.
Thanks to Ruth and Sheri for sponsoring some bags of dogfood.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Worlds Collide
I planned to be gone by March 1. But due to some issues needing to be resolved, I had to stay longer which kept me in Daytona for another Birthday. As the date was approaching, several girlfriends from different times in my life had contacted me about coming to see me. My birthday always falls on a huge event in Daytona: Bike Week. A time where thousands of Harley Davidson enthusiasts roll in for old farts Spring Break. I agreed and arriving from Texas, North Carolina and Pennsylvania, my worlds collided in Florida.
The Queen: Daytona, the early years---1986-2000
The Rock Star: Daytona, the late years---2000-2008
The Nontraditional Professor: a college friend---1982-1985
Add local friends and it spells a long weekend of little sleep! Getting friends together from various stages in your life can be interesting and chancy. Will they get along?
But birds of a feather do flock together, and friends beget friends. It was a perfect combination of celebration and goodbyes. We laughed, we danced, we cried and we told stories.
A reflection of different times in life blended together to make the present. Standing at the Ocean Deck, a favorite reggae bar/grill on the ocean, I watched them from across the room laughing and carrying on without me, I let all the memories run through my mind.
And just like me with my mix of friends, the Ocean Deck has been the same since I arrived in Daytona in 1984, yet a wide variety of times have been shared there. The perfect place on the perfect weekend to bring worlds together.

The Queen: Daytona, the early years---1986-2000
The Rock Star: Daytona, the late years---2000-2008
The Nontraditional Professor: a college friend---1982-1985
Add local friends and it spells a long weekend of little sleep! Getting friends together from various stages in your life can be interesting and chancy. Will they get along?
But birds of a feather do flock together, and friends beget friends. It was a perfect combination of celebration and goodbyes. We laughed, we danced, we cried and we told stories.
A reflection of different times in life blended together to make the present. Standing at the Ocean Deck, a favorite reggae bar/grill on the ocean, I watched them from across the room laughing and carrying on without me, I let all the memories run through my mind.
And just like me with my mix of friends, the Ocean Deck has been the same since I arrived in Daytona in 1984, yet a wide variety of times have been shared there. The perfect place on the perfect weekend to bring worlds together.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I have two relatives from the past who have had a profound influence on my ideas of what women can do.
First, early 1900's: with Indians beating their drums in the distance, she slept in the Oklahoma dug out to claim the land...
My Great Aunt Lena, at a young age hurt her leg with a cut from crossing a river barefoot in Russia in the late 1800's. The leg developed blood poisoning and became "Locked"(later in life it would need to be amputated.) After immigrating to America with family, regardless of her handicap, she was the only one able to make the trip needed to Homestead land in Oklahoma. She decided that because her Father was too ill and her siblings too young, she would go. She left Kansas by train, then horse and buggy to claim the land. This young, single women lived in a dug out shelter on the land that our family still calls "The Farm". Journals record her listening to the sounds of Indian drums beating at night. For the required time, Lena sat on the land to claim it in behalf of the family. President Roosevelt signed the Homestead and her family later joined her and through 3 generations it has yielded relatives a living. My cousin Charles now owns and farms it.
Second, 1963: The mandate came to leave the country. Soon news of killings in a near Village came. With her co-workers, she fled Congo in fear for her life...
My Aunt Erna was a single Nurse living in Oklahoma and felt God's calling to become a missionary. She served in Congo delivering babies for 10 years. In 1963 Revolutionary War broke out and they had to flee the village for their life. Her journal tells of their near escape, trusting God, the miracle of not missing the river transport and the hurt of saying a hurried goodbye to the villagers whom she had learned to love.
Growing up with these stories I longed to be an adventurer. The results of MY adventures have yielded being lost in the Colorado Rockies, rescued from an Arkansas river, the subject of Search Planes in the Bahamas, learning to pack and jump my own parachute with the skydiving club at K-state, hopping a train in Kansas and hitchhiking in Texas. All very subdued compared to what I hope my future will bring.
And maybe, someday, I can inspire like Lena and Erna.
First, early 1900's: with Indians beating their drums in the distance, she slept in the Oklahoma dug out to claim the land...
My Great Aunt Lena, at a young age hurt her leg with a cut from crossing a river barefoot in Russia in the late 1800's. The leg developed blood poisoning and became "Locked"(later in life it would need to be amputated.) After immigrating to America with family, regardless of her handicap, she was the only one able to make the trip needed to Homestead land in Oklahoma. She decided that because her Father was too ill and her siblings too young, she would go. She left Kansas by train, then horse and buggy to claim the land. This young, single women lived in a dug out shelter on the land that our family still calls "The Farm". Journals record her listening to the sounds of Indian drums beating at night. For the required time, Lena sat on the land to claim it in behalf of the family. President Roosevelt signed the Homestead and her family later joined her and through 3 generations it has yielded relatives a living. My cousin Charles now owns and farms it.
Second, 1963: The mandate came to leave the country. Soon news of killings in a near Village came. With her co-workers, she fled Congo in fear for her life...
My Aunt Erna was a single Nurse living in Oklahoma and felt God's calling to become a missionary. She served in Congo delivering babies for 10 years. In 1963 Revolutionary War broke out and they had to flee the village for their life. Her journal tells of their near escape, trusting God, the miracle of not missing the river transport and the hurt of saying a hurried goodbye to the villagers whom she had learned to love.
Growing up with these stories I longed to be an adventurer. The results of MY adventures have yielded being lost in the Colorado Rockies, rescued from an Arkansas river, the subject of Search Planes in the Bahamas, learning to pack and jump my own parachute with the skydiving club at K-state, hopping a train in Kansas and hitchhiking in Texas. All very subdued compared to what I hope my future will bring.
And maybe, someday, I can inspire like Lena and Erna.
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