Monday, May 31, 2010
Reflections: 2 months of Changing Courses
Remember summer vacations as a kid? It would always seem like the memories of the summer were longer than the school year, yet it was only a few months. That’s what it’s been like for me since I left for this new life aboard Sailing Yacht Juno. So much has happened; I just can’t believe it’s only been 2 months.
There have been some unexpected stages in my “adjusting” to all this.
Of course I expected the drastic change of lifestyle to be hard and prepared to be kind to myself. But I think all in all, it came easily. What I did not expect were these 3 things: Nightmares, Guilt, Gypsy-ness.
NIGHTMARES: Since I have been away I have had vivid dreams most every night. Each one is the same with a little variation. And it is each and every dream that I am back at my job, not really employed but observing or having conversations with past clients or co-workers. I’m trying to get back to the boat, somehow stuck there. It’s never a good dream. I wake up exhausted and feeling hurt by what was said. This, I never expected or prepared for. After 26 years of business, I left a little hurt and I guess can’t just resign and leave it behind after all. I ask everyday: When will the dream stop? Please go away.
GUILT: I went through a stage of feeling guilty of this great opportunity that I am living. Feeling almost undeserving---for lack of a better word. Then I started asking myself, if not me than whom? So I would list all my friends and say; “do they deserve this?” The answer was always yes. So between being in the company of many others and the thought that I am simply taking a year and a half of retirement and moving it forward, knowing full well I’ll enter the “work force” again. I am at peace with being here.
THE GYPSY IN ME: I am getting used to the idea of moving around a lot. The longest we have stayed anywhere since leaving Italy is 10 days. I like it. I find myself getting restless and anxious for what’s next after being somewhere a while. After living in the same place, with the same job for so, so long, who knew?!
Two months seem short in the scheme of 12-14 more months…and there are so many more places to see, people to meet. If only the bad dreams would stop.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
European Fashion Alert
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Greek street dogs
Athens, Crete, Paros and Santorini, Greece---Having been to Greece before, I was aware of the stray street dog population. I was curious to see what the status was after the 2004 Olympics when they made an effort to do something.
Sadly, there were just as many as I remember. Being a dog lover, it is just overwhelming. Below is some information. On Paros, a local organization named PAWS sells before and after postcards of Dogs and Cats that have been rescued. Most puppies are found by trash bins and weigh less than 1 kilo!
" catchers in Greece used to step in and round up as
many strays as they could. The strays were held in the local municipal dog
pounds for a period of no more than 90 days, and if no one claimed the
dogs, they were typically then put to sleep.
This system kept the stray dog population down to a manageable level up
until about 10 years ago. At about that time, a local animal rights
activist group found out about a particular dog pound that kept their dogs
in miserable and inhumane conditions. They visited the pound and filmed the
scene. Then they took their evidence and presented it to the local District
Attorney who in turn issued a warrant for the responsible mayor's arrest.
That mayor was charged with the crime of "maltreatment of animals" which is
a very serious offense in Greek law. He was convicted and sentenced to
several months in prison along with a stiff monetary fine. As a result,
almost every municipality in Greece dissolved their dog pounds and fired
their dog catchers. " (from )
FROM NBC SPORTS WEB SITE August 6, 2004; Athens, Greece - Thousands of stray dogs being rounded up before the Olympics are not in danger of being killed or subjected to harsh treatment, Greek officials said Thursday, despite growing international concern about the animals' welfare.
"We are very sensitive about this issue ... I am at the disposal of anyone who wants to inspect the conditions under which these animals are being kept," Deputy Agriculture Minister Alexandros Kontos said.
Animal rights groups say as many 15,000 dogs could be snatched from the streets in greater Athens over the next week, and have expressed doubts over the government's pledge to free the strays after 45 days.
Kontos, in charge of coordinating the collection with municipalities, said about 1,000 dogs had been placed in kennels so far, under a $4.8 million program sponsored by the ministry.
Government estimates have placed the capital's stray population at under 5,000. Stray dogs are a familiar site in Greece and for decades have been left free to roam city streets.
Earlier this week a group of strays were discovered the Olympic Village after evading a massive security sweep of the site by police and soldiers. The government and Olympic organizers say they are strongly opposed to euthanizing street animals and insist their neuter-and-return schemes are working.
"Our country has been slandered abroad over the issue," Kontos said. "Animal rights groups do not have a clear position. We believe our program is protecting these animals. We will not change our targets."
On Tuesday, the London-based World Society for the Protection of Animals called on Greek officials to assure strays will not be mistreated. WSPA spokeswoman Susan Sherwin said the government and the International Olympic Committee had failed to respond to the organization's request to give details about the mass collection.
"This problem is very close to being swept under the rug and our fear is that thousands of dogs are going to be inhumanely rounded up an euthanized," Sherwin told The Associated Press, speaking by telephone from Framingham, Massachusetts.
"We need some transparency and to know what is happening to the animals," she said. "It's highly dubious that 15,000 dogs are going to be rounded up and kept somewhere and will be released after the Olympics."
Friday, May 28, 2010
Kithnos---goats on the beach
After seeing the Parthenon again, I left my friends for some exploring and shopping alone. Here are some sites
Monday, May 24, 2010
Seeing one of the Gaza floatilla boats in Athens
I didn't know exactly what I was taking a picture of when I saw this curious looking boat in our Marina outside of Athens, Greece. A political statement surrounding this boat and the many young people boarding it. They left that morning.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Experience the Corinth Canal
Sail with me for a minute and a half and see a portion for yourself. I was on the bow of the boat as we went through the highest point. The water is a milky-turquoise that looks like you could just scoop up the color. The rocks above your head are beautiful shades of browns, oranges and yellows.
Before and after, people stood along the banks and waved.
Friday, May 21, 2010
3 islands and 4 anchor attempts
Then, the winds changed to blow from the North.
Each anchorage means I am lifting the 65 pound anchor down to the "dangle" position including some chain.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
"Just a Day Sail..."
It will just be a day sail, but leaving early and hitting our destination by 10am seems too easy. We decide to continue, then continue again, past the next and the next. We try an anchorage that was too deep and decide a safe, tucked away, anchorage was only a couple more hours…
We will rest here for the next day, because we have no immediate schedule. And I guess, because we can.
Note on photo: The boys take the dingy on shore to hike up the hill for daily exercise. Although we are anchored close to shore, it appears small. Also note, my first dip in the sea was here and it was 64 degrees F. yikes.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Delphi trip Sponsorship and the gift
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Road Trip: Navpaktos
Gulf of Corinth, Navpaktos (by way of bus from Trizonia)---Today we got up really early, caught the 7am ferry and the 7:15 bus to a city just West of us called Navpaktos. For history buffs, this is the harbor and bay where the Battle of Lepanto was faught October 7, 1571.
Determined to see the Castle we climbed a jillion feet up to find it closed, but the view was incredible and the hike felt good after sitting in the boat all day yesterday due to rain.
We were able to do some business: phone store and a bank for cash before heading back.
After the bus ride back I got off the bus and as soon as it was pulling away realized I left my mini Ron Jon Silver’s pack back on the bus. The men around the Ferry started talking very fast and motioning me to get in to one of the guys Toyota pickup truck. He was someone who was familar in town. We zoomed off, following the bus to the next stop…just as it was pulling away. So what happened next was like a movie, my driver honks and weaves behind the bus. The bus driver seems to be cussing at us and pulls aside to let us pass. My driver pulls up and cuts off the bus yelling in Greek to explain the situation. I jump out and run to the bus as the doors open. I grab my bag and yell “Para-kalow (thank you ...or please) Returning to the dock I’m glad to see Shirish and the boys hadn’t left yet. I motioned that I got my bag and later found out the reason they had not left was it was the ferry captain who was my driver and had raced after the bus.
Anyway, I had decided to wait for the next ferry and explore the town across from our island. The town was called Glifadha. I found the baker who made the bread that we had been ordering thru the Mini Market in Trizonia. There was a café and a very small market, other than , it was nice to see the sights. back at the Ferry stop I ran into Reanhard and several others from Trizonia. Funny, after only being here a short time, we still greet each other as good friends. Such is a sailors life.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Who was Alison?
“Strange,” I thought to be included in this book, and went about exploring the Island. Then a few days ago, on a hike, by chance, we happened to pass a royal blue gate with rock steps rising steeply leading up. And there it was, with piles of trashed paperbacks collected around the front gate and a big “CLOSED” sign hanging from the fence: Lizzie’s Yacht Club. I peered up the overgrown steps leading to the building high on the hilltop. More curious, we continued but I started wondering more and more: “Who was Allison? How did she die? Who was Lizzie? What happened? Why is it so trashed and vacant?”
From the boat’s dockage I could look up at the hill and see the old wooden building overlooking the harbor and the bay. The word “Club” had fallen down and only “Lizzie’s Yacht” was hanging from the roof.
Then the next afternoon, on another hike, a point in the road stopped me. The gate was identical from Lizzie’s but without signs. This was the back gate and the building stood below us. I wanted a closer look so I gingerly moved the unhinged gate and crept down the natural stone steps steeply curving down to the building. “She was only 42,” I kept thinking as I reached a patio in front of the wrap-around porch. There were Travel Magazines dated 2001 and other items heaped in a pile. Although it was a mess, little details remained: someone had taken great care here at one time. Neglected potted plants in terracotta bowls and little nautical decor items decorated the porch. The building was surrounded by windows and peeking through I saw a small dining area overlooking the large outdoor porch with the most amazing 180 degree view of the harbor, the bay and the islands all around us. Bar stools and chairs were in piles and a wall with short shelves that once held the bar’s bottles, stood empty. It didn’t feel haunted, it felt sad.
I decided to ask around the Island and found out that Allison (Ali) was from England, cheerful and tried hard to get along with the towns people, learn Greek and serve the travelers. They reported that for the final 2 years she didn’t look good and they could tell she was ill. No one knew for sure what she died from, but all said that it had something to do with her liver. They reported that she was not seen for 3 days and missed a call from her mother so some of the locals went up to find her dead. Everyone I asked said she had been a friend.
Later I found out that it was her Mother that was “Lizzie”. And it was her Mom that was diagnosed with breast cancer and wanted a house to get away from England and fight the cancer. She ended up buying the restaurant/house and found her way through the cancer this way. It was Ali that had come to be with her mom and decided to stay. For 15 years Ali ran the Yacht Club that was known for a large collection of paperback books, there for trading among sea goers. But for three years it had sat empty and for sale. Rumor had it that it was just purchased.
Someone showed me an interview with her on YouTube. ( Then it got weird, in many ways she reminded me of myself. In many ways I could relate to her: coming to Greece, changing her life…
But for her, a life cut short, a building standing vacant, and somewhere, a mother named Lizzie missing her daughter and the times they shared in Trizonia.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Trizonia’s Dirty Little Secret

Gulf of Corinth, Island of Trizonia, Greece---I stood there in disbelief. How could a place so beautiful be treated this way? How could they be so short sighted? The smell alone was nauseating, but I felt ill for other far reaching reasons. On a lonely trail Shirish and I had hiked that afternoon, high on a hill top on the far west side of Trizonia, stood a dump. Its contents filled in the side of the hill’s valley and scattered down its’ cliffs. Hidden from the Mainland road’s view, AND from the main shipping and boating lanes in the Mediterranean Sea.
Dozens of plastic crates, thousands of black plastic bags filled with trash. Bottles: both glass and plastic, and many unwanted items from refrigerators to shelving, from perfect wood to good terracotta bricks. We stood and glared. Why wasn’t it hauled off the island and disposed of properly? Why weren’t they recycling in any way when only 1 mile across the water, the Mainland had large re-cycle bins at the ferry stop? We continued down the path noting how far the trash had blown along our way. The thought that the entire dump would, due to gravity, end up in the Mediterranean Sea someday made us very quiet. And angry.
Later we asked someone. There was no answer. It was how it is and it’s been going on for a very long time. “They don’t think in those terms,” was the only explanation we were given when asked why the community doesn’t actively work with waste. “They turn and look away.”
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Email to Kelly: Trizonia, a sweet little island IF you can get here...
Yesterday we tied to the dock and found some mechanics even though this island is SMALL! We will be here for several days as we have now determined, starter, water pump and alternater problems. But I feel very safe and there is FREE wifi and electric at a cafe! (But no shopping, which is actually good).
Today I went with the electrical engineer mechanic, Rhinehart, by ferry then car to the closest big city (Navpaktos) and batted my eyes at the alternater rebuilder for a good price. I got to see new sights and talk to Rhinehart, an interesting salty older guy for a long morning of anthropology and philosophy (his hobbie). It is so beautiful here and this is still before the corinth canal ...still not the Greek Islands that you traditionally think of but really sweet.